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- 440총 학습자
- 7총 세션
- Apr 16, 2012활성 이후
- University Heights, United States위치
추천을 남기려면 로그인하세요
The Reiki Awakening Academy is a school of intuitive development with classes available online and locally in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
Courses are designed to assist students in developing their intuition, powers for healing, and supporting them through this fascinating journey.
Wherever you are in terms of intuitive development, the Reiki Awakening Academy can help you rise above challenges and meet your personal goals.
Classes are offered for novices as well as those experienced in intuitive work of any kind.
Come in, browse, and register for the classes that interest you.
경험과 차별화
We offer a Certificate in Holistic Studies, as well as classes that are approved for CEs for nurses and licensed massage therapists. Our classes can be taken one at a time, or a comprehensive program of study built around your needs. Recorded classes can also be taken for credit or audited on demand.