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Recognize & Apply Universal Law in Your Life
Let's play around with some Universal Law! No, seriously, this class is going to be fun and I am super excited! I am going to give you some concrete examples of how I learned to recognize and accept deeper truths in what seemed like the mundane experience of everyday life. Then we will explore where some of them might be showing up in yours! I will provide some thought-provoking questions to help you recognize how these truths can be applied on a deeper level. Our lives are truthfully the greatest classroom! Let me help you embrace your experience and use it to get in touch with your deeper truth!
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Sobre Kimber Bowers
Kimber Bowers
Kimber Bowers is a Certified Clinical Hynotherapist holding a degree in Transpersonal Mind-Body Psychology and certifications in Coaching, Reiki, Qigong, & Spiritual Counseling. As an empath who suffered most of her life with Clinical Depression, PTSD, and...
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